Gas Pak


Availability: 5 in stock SKU: Mass Medical Strains Seeds Drop (Gas Pak) (Fem) Category:


Lineage: Prayer Glue x Star Pupil x Swabi Pakistani

Pack Size: 7 Seeds

Sex: Feminized

5 reviews for  Gas Pak

  1. 5 out of 5


    One of my favorites. Smell and taste on the mild side. High is the most calming I’ve ever experienced and comes on almost immediately. Good body high but doesn’t knock you out. Just makes everything feel alright – not euphoric or energetic so much, just totally calm and content, like all is right with the world.

  2. 5 out of 5


    Location: L’Eagle Services THC: 17.87% CBD: 0.00% Appearance Rating: 5.00 Appearance Description: These buds are a goldish color with hints of purple. The thick, red hairs are a vibrant orange-red color. These compact and dense nugs are extremely frosty and well manicured. Taste Rating: 4.00 Taste Description: The flavor on this strain is incredibly unique. It has a mix of earth and berry, but also a slight spiciness to it. Whenever I smoke it, I can’t help but think of cinnamon and/or pepper. Effects Rating: 5.00 Effects Description: Although this is a landrace or pure indica, it doesn’t seem to hit too hard. I find that it makes me very chill and happy feeling. I find this a great way to unwind without knocking myself out. Overall Rating: 4.67 (Rounds to 5.00) Overall Summary: It isn’t too often you come across landrace strains. What I love about this one is that it provides relaxation needed without putting me to sleep. It still manages to help me sleep better, but doesn’t put me to bed. I’m Keith Von Fraichen … You Keep On Fraiching

  3. 5 out of 5


    I recently came across this strain, and am thankful for it! A very deep, soothing, and mellow High. Cheers! 🍷

  4. 5 out of 5


    This one of my favorite bedtime strains, it should be called the “velvet hammer”. It give me a brief feeling of euphoria and a great body high that makes me forget my aching arthritic knees and I typically just lose consciousness without remembering drifting off to sleep. My wife and I actually jokingly refer to it as “Pakistani Cunnilingus Kush”; as my wife has aged and after 3 kids she finds oral sex too intense to be enjoyable and can’t relax enough to partake. A few vaps and she says it is like rediscovering that part of herself all over again and I get to pretend I am in my 20’s again!

  5. 4 out of 5


    Definitely some potent herb. I smoked it New Year Day with some family “power tokin'” like a muthafucka. One bowl took three of us the highest place you can go, Hyperspace!!! Strong skunky, spicy-sweet taste that’s mellow on the tongue. I got HAF!!! Need more!!!

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